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Youth crime: Greedy, rude adults 'fuelling teen violence' | News crumb |

Youth crime: Greedy, rude adults 'fuelling teen violence' | News crumb |

· Parents told to show tough love to tackle knife crime
· Behaviour expert defends schools as 'safe havens'

Polly Curtis, education editor
Friday July 11, 2008
The Guardian

A culture of greed and rudeness among adults is contributing to the epidemic of knife and gun violence among teenagers, according to the government's behaviour adviser.

"In an interview with the Guardian ahead of his report, Sir Alan Steer said that the recent killings of teenagers on London's streets was 'heartbreaking'.

'It's connected to a violent sub-culture. But we bear some responsibility. Sometimes as adults we don't model the behaviour we would want youngsters to follow. We live in a greedy culture, we are rude to each other in the street. Children follow that. You wonder what has gone wrong in these children's lives. Of course the kids have a responsibility, but there are questions about what's going on at home. Parents have a huge responsibility. Government doesn't bring up children, parents do.'"


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