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Victory for London cyclists as MEPs back safer lorries @SarahLudfordMEP

"Sarah Ludford MEP" <>
15 Apr 2014
Subject: Victory for London cyclists as MEPs back safer lorries
Thank you for contacting me about the European Parliament plenary vote on maximum authorised dimensions and weights of lorries.
> Thanks to the hard work of my Lib Dem colleague and Transport spokesman Phil Bennion MEP the proposal was adopted today by a majority of MEPs.
> Once implemented it will change the design of HGVs to improve safety for cyclists in traffic. The driver's field of vision will be generally increased and there will be fewer blind spots which are often the cause of a collision with a pedestrian or cyclist. The change in design will reduce the impact of frontal crashes and push cyclists and pedestrians away from the wheels of the lorry, which would at least reduce fatalities and very serious injury even in the event of a crash.
> This is something I have long been campaigning for alongside my LibDem colleagues in City Hall, and I am very happy that London’s streets will soon become safer for cyclists and pedestrians. This is a great victory of cycling safety campaigners and I am glad that Lib Dem MEPs have achieved this important change.
> I have also written to the Conservative Secretary of State for Transport Patrick McLoughlin MP asking him to support the proposal when it comes before him and his Transport Minister colleagues in the Council of the European Union following today’s vote.
> If you’d like to learn more about my work on behalf of my constituents in London you can subscribe to my weekly bulletin here:
> Yours sincerely,
> Sarah Ludford
> Baroness Sarah Ludford MEP
> Liberal Democrat MEP for London
> Liberal Democrat European justice & human rights spokeswoman
> 36b St Peter's Street
> London N1 8JT
> Tel/fax: +44 207 288 2526
> Twitter: @SarahLudfordMEP
> Whilst Baroness Sarah Ludford MEP will treat as confidential any information which you pass on, she will allow authorised staff and volunteers to see the information if this is needed to help and advise you. She will also pass on some or all of your information to agencies such as the European Commission, the European Parliament, government departments or a local Council if this is necessary to help with your case. If you would like to know more about my work, sign up for my email bulletin here'.


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