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Lobby your MEP on key vote on cycling safety for lorry drivers’ sightlines, reducing the blind spots!

If MEPs hear in sufficient numbers from cyclists before this vote we can hopefully ensure they vote unanimously for these much needed proposals.   That will send out a powerful message to the EU Council of Ministers which will then meet in May.

I wanted to draw to your attention a key vote on safety measures that would help cyclists in London.  In the European Parliament most MEPs have been active in supporting new guidelines for lorries which would improve lorry drivers’ sightlines, reducing the blind spots under the front windscreen and the side of lorry cabs.  The new proposed designs would also include safer cab fronts to reduce the damage caused by impacts with cyclists and pedestrians.

The proposed safety measures are set to be voted on again by all MEPs in the European Parliament at its plenary session in Strasbourg in a week’s time on Tuesday 15th April.

We have just one week to remind MEPs how important this vote is for road safety.  I would encourage you to email today to tell them how important their vote is on the 15th April.  Please also tell them to lobby Ministers at the Department of Transport as well.
Just click here for the addresses of all London’s MEPs.   Please don’t forget to include your name and address in your email.

Boris on Bike at Kings Cross


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