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Showing posts from April, 2014

Steve Finn is the bowling express @Middlesex_CCC @StevenFinnFans: @finnysteve

@HomeOfCricket #Lords #homeofcricket #finny #cricket #countycricket

Islington Central Library, fine starting point

Giving away @RichardWiseman #WorldBookDay  in Holloway ...

HAMPSTEAD HEATH (Easter Monday, 1915) & 2014

Richard Aldington 1892 - 1915 HAMPSTEAD HEATH (Easter Monday, 1915) Dark clouds, torn into gaps of livid sky, Pierced through By a swift searchlight, a long white dagger. The black murmuring crowd Flows, eddies, stops, flows on Between the lights And the banks of noisy booths. IMAGES-OLD AND NEW RICHARD ALDINGTON

The @google building changes the whole area of Kings Cross ... Rather bland compared to what was there

In nova fert animus mutatas dicere formas corpora. Of shapes transformed to bodies strange I purpose to entreat. Now I am ready to tell how bodies are changed Into different bodies. The original comes from Ovid, the first translation from Arthur Golding, and the second translation from Ted Hughes. 

Google digital superstate in Kings Cross Mathias Döpfner

Black Books! ... The real thing ...

... fictional address for the bookshop is  Black Books , 13 Little Bevan Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1, located just off  Russell Square exterior scenes of the bookshop were filmed outside a real bookshop, albeit a smaller one, called Collinge & Clark, located at 13 Leigh Street, Bloomsbury.

Evening light gilds @theguardian @kingscross #guardian @kingsplace

Victory for London cyclists as MEPs back safer lorries @SarahLudfordMEP

"Sarah Ludford MEP" < > 15 Apr 2014 Subject: Victory for London cyclists as MEPs back safer lorries Thank you for contacting me about the European Parliament plenary vote on maximum authorised dimensions and weights of lorries. >   > Thanks to the hard work of my Lib Dem colleague and Transport spokesman Phil Bennion MEP the proposal was adopted today by a majority of MEPs. >   > Once implemented it will change the design of HGVs to improve safety for cyclists in traffic. The driver's field of vision will be generally increased and there will be fewer blind spots which are often the cause of a collision with a pedestrian or cyclist. The change in design will reduce the impact of frontal crashes and push cyclists and pedestrians away from the wheels of the lorry, which would at least reduce fatalities and very serious injury even in the event of a crash. >   > This is something I have long been cam

the daffs in the park, brighten any day ... 15 April

And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils. "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"  (also commonly known as  "Daffodils" [2] ) is a  lyric poem  by  William Wordsworth . It was inspired by an event on 15 April 1802, in which Wordsworth and his sister  Dorothy  came across a "long belt" of  daffodils . Written some time between 1804 and 1807 (in 1804 by Wordsworth's own account), [3]  it was first published in 1807 in  Poems in Two Volumes , and a revised version was published in 1815. [4]  It is written in six-line stanzas with an ababcc rhyme scheme, like the  Venus and Adonis stanza  of Shakespeare, except in  tetrameters  rather than  pentameters .

Dan runs past mile 22. + @rnib w Agata @londonmarathon

Great cheer and hugs as Dan runs past mile 22. + @rnib w Agata @londonmarathon

Amazing atmosphere, huge cheers for runners with guides @londonmarathon @rnib #londonmarathon

Inspiring! #RNIB #LONDONMARATHON Amazing atmosphere, huge cheers for runners with guides @londonmarathon @rnib #londonmarathon

Lobby your MEP on key vote on cycling safety for lorry drivers’ sightlines, reducing the blind spots!

If MEPs hear in sufficient numbers from cyclists before this vote we can hopefully ensure they vote unanimously for these much needed proposals.   That will send out a powerful message to the EU Council of Ministers which will then meet in May. I wanted to draw to your attention  a key vote on safety measures  that would help cyclists in London.  In the European Parliament most MEPs have been active in supporting new guidelines for lorries which would improve lorry drivers’ sightlines, reducing the blind spots under the front windscreen and the side of lorry cabs.  The new proposed designs would also include safer cab fronts to reduce the damage caused by impacts with cyclists and pedestrians. The proposed safety measures are set to be voted on again by all MEPs in the European Parliament at its plenary session in Strasbourg in a week’s time on  Tuesday 15th April . We have just one week to remind MEPs how important this vote is for road safety.  I would encourage

activities in Cally Park Nature Garden Saturday 5th April, 1.30-4 pm: pruning, weeding, mulching and litter picking and a chance to celebrate the orchard in blossom.

Saturday 5th April, 1.30-4 pm: pruning, weeding, mulching and litter picking and a chance to celebrate the orchard in blossom.

Kings Cross via @maidstoneonbike can be cycle friendly if @MayorofLondon wanted it @TfLOfficial @london_cycling @citycyclists

@maidstoneonbike  Kings Cross via can be cycle friendly if @MayorofLondon wanted it @TfLOfficial @london_cycling @citycyclists  maidstoneonbike: Kings Cross can be cycle friendly : Download link in PDF file format can be found  here

Kings Cross feels liberated & transformed by public square regeneration