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North Road Islington

The killers of Ben Kinsella were gangster wannabes


By Ryan Parry 12/06/2009
(L-R) Alleyne, Braithwaite and Kika (Pic:Met Police)

(L-R) Alleyne, Braithwaite and Kika (Pic:Met Police)

As members of the Market Massiv' gang, Michael Alleyne, Jade Braithwaite and Juress Kika demanded respect and loyalty.

They fancied themselves as gangsters but in reality they were drugdealing cowards, armed with guns and knives, who needed ferocious Staffordshire bull terriers for protection.

After gang leader Alleyne, his deputy Braithwaite and the lowly Kika were convicted of Ben Kinsella's murder, a source close to the group - too scared to reveal his identity - broke ranks to speak to the Mirror.

He said: "They thought they were real bad boys walking round with their Staffs and a knife in their pocket.

Mikey (Alleyne) had two Staffs and thought he was untouchable. This was his manor, no one could come down here and f*** with it.

"They worked in twos for protection and they wouldn't hesitate to stick you with a knife if you tried to screw them."

While making enquiries about Ben's three killers on their "manor" - the tough Market Estate in Islington, North London - I was met, not surprisingly, with a wall of silence.

Many people presumed I was the police. "Hey mister, you a copper?" asked one youth. "Yeh, course you are," he said answering his own question.

Eventually I managed to get through to some within this tight clique.

And during one tense exchange at the door of a drug-addled man in his 20s, who had given me some information, I was threatened with the same fate as young Ben.

"Why don't you just f*** off, you ain't getting nothin' more out of me, you puttin' me at risk just bein' ere. F*** off before I stick yer."

The man disappeared into his flat, shouting back: "Wait there you f***er, I've got somethin' for you."

I didn't stick around to find out what it was - but I had a pretty good idea.

Alleyne and around a dozen loyal members ran a low-level drugs operation on the estate. By his side was Braithwaite, the supposed "enforcer", while Kika was the gang's footsoldier, happy to commit assaults, robberies and, ultimately, murder for his friends.

Although he nurtured the younger boys he recruited, Alleyne also bullied and threatened them.

At one meeting he pulled out a gun. "No one in the gang had ever had a gun before so everyone was surprised Mikey got his hands on one," said our source. "It was cool at first but then Mikey shouted, 'Get on the ground' and pointed the gun at this young kid and said, 'Give me your phone, motherf*****.' The kid was terrified, he s*** himself. But then Mikey let out this evil laugh and told him to get up."

The sick gang also organised savage dog fights for their own amusement. "They would set them up in the street with the other kids for fun," said the source. "It was brutal, they would wind the dogs up and then pit them against each other for a bet.

"Other times they would see kids walking up the street, put their hoods up and mug them for a laugh.


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