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Ben Kinsella killers' street slang: translated - Times Online

Ben Kinsella killers' street slang: translated

(L-R) Jade Braithwaite, 18, Juress Kika, 19, and Michael Alleyne, 20, who were found guilty of the murder of Ben Kinsella

Much of the street slang used by the defendants, and also used by many gang members across Britain, is derived from the lyrics of American rap music.

Below are translated examples of the vocabulary used by the killers of Ben Kinsella captured in covert police recordings.

Blood: brother, usually from the same gang or area

Boyden or Feds: police

Ghost: to leave area or hide something, similar to “outta here”

Shivved and bagged: arrested

For real: approval of what has just been stated

Endz or hood: a neighbourhood, the streets

Crib: home

Bless: approval of something good, or goodbye.

You feel me?: Do you understand

Buggin’: to freak out, panic

Mandem: men, often from another gang or ‘hood’

G’s: thousands of dollars or pounds

Evi: police evidence

Shanked: stabbed

To bust case: to walk free from court

Hold it down: keep quiet

Swif: a promiscuous male

Boat: face, from the Cockney Slang ‘boat race — face’

Ben Kinsella killers' street slang: translated - Times Online


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