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Showing posts from 2015

Caledonian Park Clock Tower Project Stage 2 Proposals Give us your feedback

It is really sad that after all the money spent on regenerating Caledonian Park, that it could be spoilt with a hideous portakabin style development that no one wants and isn't fit for purpose. A so called "consultation" has ignored the views of local people to chase heritage lottery money. People want to go up the Clocktower and it needs repairs, no one needs what is being proposed, what a shambles Caledonian Park Clock Tower Project Stage 2 Proposals Give us your feedback Last September we consulted on preliminary proposals for the Caledonian Park Clock tower and visitor centre project. We have drawn up detail proposals based on what the majority of people told us. Please have a look at the plans and details below and then follow the link at the bottom of the page to the short questionnaire to give your feedback. The closing date for completion of questionnaires is midnight on Friday 27th March 2015. Project Stage 2 Proposa

Disputed Islington consultation process over Caledonian Park sparks petition to reduce, rethink, or remove Cally Park visitor centre development

Islington Council consultation process for the visitor centre at Caledonian Park sparks petition to reduce, rethink, or remove Cally Park development

Video history of Market Estate to Parkside in Holloway Islington. market2parkside

Video history of Market Estate to Parkside in Holloway Islington. ‪#‎ socialhousing‬   ‪#‎ market2parkside‬ Market2Parkside: A filmed oral history project of social housing from Market Estate to Parkside Housing is an exciting new project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund which will look at the changes to social housing policy via the video testament of residents who have undergone the transition from the old Market Estate built in the 60’s, to the new housing development Parkside.

Exhibition Last Day - Sunday


Exhibition in Clock tower: From market2parkside Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th January

11am to 3pm: video, photos, audio interviews with residents, historians, architects and stakeholders about the transition. Exhibition in Clock tower: From market2parkside Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th January 

Real Lies - Dab Housing