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Protect Hampstead Heath
"A drop of water that falls into the ocean will last as long as the ocean itself." -Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
Protect Hampstead Heath - 1500 signatures and still growing

> Dear Supporters,
> We have reached 1500 signatures in less than a week!  Please can you help spread the word by forwarding the link below to your friends:
> I'm emailing you to ask if you can go one step further and share the petition with your friends and family:
> Posting the campaign on Facebook or Twitter only takes a second, but it will mean that hundreds of people see the petition and can join our movement. If you can email the link around as well, all the better - that will allow us to spread the word to people who don’t use social media too.
> You can also respond directly to Camden Council's planning consultation at
> Thank you for your continuing support
> Mary Powell
> You received this email because you signed the petition 'Stop Heavy Construction On Hampstead Heath'. If you don't want to receive emails from the 'Stop Heavy Construction On Hampstead Heath' campaign in the future, please unsubscribe.


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