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Remembering the work of Choje Akong Tulku Rinpoche for Tibetans Sershul County (Dzachuka) in Eastern Tibet

Remembering the work of Choje Akong Tulku Rinpoche for Tibetans Sershul County (Dzachuka) in Eastern Tibet
8 October 2013
Eskdalemuir monastery founder Akong Rinpoche killed in China
Akong Rinpoche founded the Samye Ling Tibetan centre and monastery in 1967
Akong Rinpoche founded the Samye Ling Tibetan centre and monastery in 1967
A Tibetan monk who founded the first Buddhist monastery in the UK has been killed in south west China.

Dr Choje Akong Rinpoche set up the Samye Ling Tibetan centre in Dumfries and Galloway in 1967.

A statement from police in the Chinese city of Chengdu said Choje Akong Rinpoche, his nephew and his driver were killed in a residential area.

It said three suspects - all of whom were Tibetan - had stabbed the men to death in a dispute about money.

The Chinese police said: "The three suspects have confessed to the crime and the case is still under investigation."

A statement on the official website of Tibetan Buddhist leader the Karmapa Lama said he was "shocked" by the news and offered his condolences to his family members and everyone at the monastery.

"I hope that all of his visions and aspirations may continue to be fulfilled," he added.

A statement posted by Lama Yeshe Rinpoche said: "To all dear friends of Samye Ling and Choje Akong Rinpoche, I am very, very sorry to inform you all that tragically, my brother Choje Akong Rinpoche, my nephew and one monk who was travelling with then, were all assassinated in Chengdu today."


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