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Please oppose the City of London Heath Ponds and Dams proposals

Protect Our Ponds fighting City of London for consultation.

The period of consultation over the last two weeks of August 2013 coincides with the peak of the holiday season. Nevertheless if enough people object, the City and its advisers may pay attention and we will gain more public support which is essential at this stage..

We are asking you to do three things which can have an impact on these proposals:

1. Please tell friends and/or neighbours who are regular or occasional Heath users about the web site and ask them to sign up to the campaign through the contact us form page at the site. There is a link to contact us on the bottom of every page. If you use Facebook or Twitter and other social networks,  please pass on the word through these channels as well.

2.Please  read our comments which are attached. If you think they can be improved let us know, either by E mail or by using tracking and attaching the changes. We need any comments by 26 August. Our E mail is above.

3. a) If your time is limited, skim through the document, and if you agree with our comments, write to the City saying you have read the Protect Our Ponds comments and agree with them.

b) Alternatively if one of the City's proposals is of particular concern to you, write to the City about that particular item in your own words. You can mention Protect Our Ponds or not as you like.

c) You can find the actual proposals by the City of London at

The reports you want are the files titled Short List Options Report. The first three files comprise the report and the remaining four files are Appendices.

The contact address for the City of London is

Please copy us in to anything you send to the City.

With Best Wishes

David Lewis


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