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Whittington Hospital Public Meeting - Friday

Whittington Hospital Public Meeting, This Friday
Whittington Hospital this Friday 1st March from 6pm – 9pm at Greig City Academy, High Street, Hornsey, N8 7NU (entrance only via Hillfield Avenue).
This will be held in two sessions, the first 6pm - 7.30pm, provides a chance to have an informal chat with board members.  The second is the official meeting starting at 7.30pm and lasting until 9pm.
  • In January, the Hospital Board announced plans to sell some of their older buildings and reinvest the money in maternity services and an emergency day care centre.
  • The plans were announced without any consultation or proper explanation, and as a result, they have caused great concern about loss of jobs, hospital beds and services. The DWHC has started a 'Save The Whittington Campaign.'
  • Liberal Democrats immediately started to petition against any loss of services until equal or better are in place. We also called for the board to engage fully with the public.  If you've not had the chance, you can sign our petition here –
  • We are not calling for no changes at all – we are not against selling derelict buildings to improve maternity care, and we want the Whittington to be successful in their foundation trust application (which will secure the Hospital's future as a full service hospital).
  • The Whittington gave assurances that no services would be lost without equal or better replacements and that they would embark on a programme of public engagement.
  • As part of their commitment to engage, the Board are attending this meeting to address residents concerns directly and explain their plans.
Public Meeting Timings

6pm  Open informal question session with board members
7:30pm  Public Meeting officially opened by Chairman Richard Wilson
7:35pm  Speech by Lynne Featherstone MP
7:40pm  Speech by Cllr David Winskill
7:45pm  Speech by Whittington Vice Chair Robert Aitken
7:55pm  Open questions from the floor to the Board
8:50pm  Meeting closes

 If you or your friends and family haven't yet signed the Whittington hospital petition, you can do so here


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