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Showing posts from February, 2013

Tiger at St Pancreas station ...

spring in Cally Park ...

Whittington Hospital Public Meeting - Friday

Whittington Hospital Public Meeting, This Friday   Whittington Hospital this Friday 1st March from 6pm – 9pm at Greig City Academy , High Street, Hornsey, N8 7NU (entrance only via Hillfield Avenue).   This will be held in two sessions , the first 6pm - 7.30pm , provides a chance to have an informal chat with board members.   The second is the official meeting starting at 7.30pm and lasting until 9pm.   Background In January, the Hospital Board announced plans to sell some of their older buildings and reinvest the money in maternity services and an emergency day care centre. The plans were announced without any consultation or proper explanation, and as a result, they have caused great concern about loss of jobs, hospital beds and services. The DWHC has started a 'Save The Whittington Campaign.' Liberal Democrats immediately started to petition against any loss of services until equal or better are in place. We also

Cally tube art February

Heath Ponds & Dams Controversy

Latest on the Heath Ponds & Dams:  Conservationists have asked one of the country's leading lawyers to review the legal case for the controversial dams project on Hampstead Heath.  H eath bosses are drawing up plans for a £15million upgrade of the dams to safeguard against flooding from freak tropical storms. The City of London Corporation, which manages the Heath, claims it is bound by law to carry out the work.   But the Heath & Hampstead Society is questioning the scheme's legal premise. It has employed a top QC, specialising in environmental law, to produce an independent view of the "complex legal issues" involved in the dams project.   Society chairman Tony Hillier said: "We've always been in debate about the legal advice given to the City. If it turns out that we are correct in believing that the City has not been well advised, then obviously we will tell them where they need to think again. Then it's up to them." He added: &qu