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City of London plans work on dams on Hampstead Heath ponds & want to cut down majestic willows

City of London plans work on dams on Hampstead Heath ponds & want to
cut down the majestic willows which stand along the western edge of
the Highgate Men's pond, in order that the pond may be viewed from
Kite Hill
Highgate Men's Pond Association
Hampstead Heath pond dams

City of London's plans to work on the dams on all Heath ponds. Our
committee members are involved in the process but it's important that
any of our members can put their views forward as well.
The City have recently passed us this press release (21kb) in order to
gather feedback from anyone who is interested and cares about the
Heath. The two main questions on the document are:
1. What aspects of Hampstead Heath are most precious to you and need
to be protected throughout and after this project?
2. What aspects of the ponds would you like to see enhanced? This
could include enhancements to landscape or ecology
The most recent meeting of the Water Management Stakeholders Group
(WMSG) sat to discuss the landscape issues facing the ponds in light
of the work on the dams

On the subject of one of the suggestions at the meeting, one of our
committee members and long time champion of swimmers rights, has the
following to say.

"One proposal in the dam planning suggestions which I find
unacceptable is a proposal to cut down the majestic willows which
stand along the western edge of the Highgate Men's pond, in order that
the pond may be viewed from Kite Hill ...@


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