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News from the Protect Our Ponds Campaign


I am very concerned, my sense is that this is a stitch up and things will be rushed through with very little opportunity to protest the ponds as they are

Fees to consultants, engineers, architects etc are expected to be £2,354,000  plus or minus 20% of which £41,000 has already been spent plus a further £243,000 has already been spent on 'Pre-evaluation reports'.   Source: Flood  and Water Quality Management, Hampstead Heath. Progress and Procurement Structure Report to City of London Heath Management Committee, 23 July 2012. This report contains a secret Appendix 1, Tender Evaluation, which is not available to the public. 

On 7 September 2012 18:14, David Lewis <> wrote:
Please see the attached information request to the City of London regarding their information leaflet on the Hampstead Heath ponds. If and when I get a reply, I will also circulate it. 

The leaflet can be found at: 

On a revised  question and answer page (FAQ) there is evidence that the City of London's claim that it has no definite plans is untrue. This claim was repeated only recently by the Chairman of the Heath & Hampstead Society at the Society's AGM. Similar questions to those made in the attachment could be asked about the FAQ page.

The starting point on this FAQ page is clearly the Haycock report and involves raising the dam height on the Bird Sanctuary Pond by a significant and unacceptable amount. This link is at:

The Protect Our Ponds Campaign has been denied the right to be a member of the Stakeholder Group which comprises 13 local amenity groups. The City of London claims that 14 Groups will be too many people. I believe the real reason is that the City of London does not want us to have the opportunity to influence other stakeholders against the project given our significant knowledge of what is involved. I understand that the minutes of the Stakeholder Group will not be published.

If you are a member of this Stakeholder Group, please realise that the City of London is not interested in your worries or opinions. It is interested in trying to convince you that their proposals are reasonable. It is also interested in being able to say that it has consulted widely. At the end of the process, unless you publicly state otherwise, it will be assumed that your Group has endorsed the proposals which is unlikely to please your members. 

If you disagree with our opinions, I would be happy to read your comments. If you don't want to be contacted again on this issue, please send me an E mail at the above address and I will remove your address. If you know anyone who would like to be added to this circulation list, please direct them to  where they can complete the response page.

If you are a litigation solicitor or barrister willing to carry out some pro bono work on this issue, we would be pleased to hear from you.

Thank you for your attention.

With best wishes

David Lewis

Protect Our Ponds Campaign

c/o Wisebuy Publications
483 Green Lanes London N13 4BS



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