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Showing posts from September, 2012

News from the Protect Our Ponds Campaign

Highgate Hampstead I am very concerned, my sense is that this is a stitch up and things will be rushed through with very little opportunity to protest the ponds as they are Fees to consultants, engineers, architects etc are expected to be £2,354,000  plus or minus 20% of which £41,000 has already been spent plus a further £243,000 has already been spent on 'Pre-evaluation reports'.   Source: Flood  and Water Quality Management, Hampstead Heath. Progress and Procurement Structure Report to City of London Heath Management Committee, 23 July 2012. This report contains a secret Appendix 1, Tender Evaluation, which is not available to the public.  On 7 September 2012 18:14, David Lewis < > wrote: Please see the attached information request to the City of London regarding their information leaflet on the Hampstead Heath ponds. If and when I get a reply, I will also circulate it.  The leaflet can