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Show on map where you want your flagship Go Dutch walking and cycling locations in London

Caledonian Park offers a glimpse of green in this area where York Way, Camden Road and caledonian road are the boundaries. However the gyratory and the one way on Brecknock and down the top of York Road actually make this a dangerous place for the unwary, when it could be tidied into a cycle friendly route to a people friendly green space 

From: London Cycling Campaign <>
Date: 6 July 2012 15:51


Mayor tells Transport for London to Go Dutch 

We're delighted Boris Johnson has told Transport for London to study our Go Dutch principles in detail with a view to implementing them across London. The Mayor's recent letter to us confirms what he promised to you and all the other 40,000 supporters in the run-up to the mayoral election.

You helped us achieve this, now please help us tell Transport for London what they need to do. Show on our map where you want your flagship Go Dutch walking and cycling location.  

London Cycling Campaign
2 Newhams Row, London, SE1 3UZ. Registered charity 1115789
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