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Please email by Thursday 8 September 2011 to support cyclists

Please email by Thursday 8 September 2011 to support cyclists

Cycling: "Proposed removal of one-way restrictions on some City streets

Please email by Thursday 8 September 2011 to show your support.

In 2009, the City made changes to a number of one-way streets to make the City more permeable, particularly for cyclists.  Since then, the City has reviewed how these have operated and is very encouraged by their success.  As a result, more streets have now been assessed and a consultation on altering these streets is underway.

The consultation period for changing the one-way system on eighteen streets is open until 8 September 2011. The affected streets are listed in the table below, which sets out the proposed alterations.

Cyclists are being urged to email their support for proposals to revert 10 one-way locations in the City of London to two-way for cycling.

As reported on the Cyclist in the City blog, the City of London has opened a consultation until Thursday 8 September 2011, and all cyclists are being urged to email showing their support.

The streets that could be affected are:

Little Britain
Stoney Lane/White Kennett St/Cutler St
Aldermanbury St
Copthall Ave/Great Swan Alley
Carmelite St/Tallis St
Kingcote St/Watergate
Carter Lane/Creed Lane
Russia Row/Trump
Old Jewry
Furnival St/Norwich St
All the streets are fairly minor, but converting them to two-way for cyclists provides helpful ways to navigate the City more safely (by potentially avoiding larger roads) and more directly.

The latest proposal comes after the City successfully converted six one-way streets to two-way in 2010.

According to the City of London's own figures, concerns over safety over the first batch of streets that reverted to two-way proved groundless, and there have been large increases in cycling on those routes.

City Police also praised the earlier reversions to two-way, saying they'd caused no crashes and that "the ability for cyclists to avoid busy streets will be a contributing factor in improving road safety".

There's more information about the proposals on the City of London website.

Please email by Thursday 8 September 2011 to show your support.

By London Cycling Campaign


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