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Showing posts from March, 2011

London Cycling Campaign - Give some time for No More Lethal Lorries 'Day of Action'

First Dip of the year, freezzzzzzeeeee

Full Moon rising over the east end of London

Cycle Training Courses Cycle Training Courses We offer a range of Bikeability cycle training courses that are based on the National Standards for Cycle Training and vary according to age and ability. Please see the relevant section below on how to sign up for training and for more information on the National Standards please click the link on the left of the page. Children's Training (6 - 12 years) Children's cycle training takes place in the school holidays at various locations across the borough.  There are 3 different courses available depending on age and ability. Learning to ride (6-12 years) A 2-day course for complete beginners that have never cycled before. Level 1 Off-road (6-12 years)  A 2-day course for people that can already ride and provides all the skills that you need to cycle on the road but the training takes place in the playground. Level 2 Introduction to on-road cycling (9-12 years) A 4-day course for

Spring Morning in Caledonian Park P1180751

Spring Morning in Caledonian Park P1180751 a photo by caledonianpark on Flickr. Spring Morning in Caledonian Park

Losar Tashi Delek 2138 of the iron rabbit. As the light of this New Year blazes May the light of auspiciousness always blaze bright

"As the light of this New Year blazes With excellent virtue and happiness May these dependently arising appearances inseparable from emptiness,  Bring benefit and prosperity in all the worlds there are, May the light of auspiciousness always blaze bright" Composed་by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche at Tek Chok Ling near the great stupa in Boudhanath, Nepal,