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Formerly Listed as: The Central Clock Tower of the

Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

635-1/43/620 (North side)
29/09/72 The Clock Tower, Caledonian Park
(Formerly Listed as:
The Central Clock Tower of the
Caledonian Market)


Built as the clock tower of the Caledonian Market. 1855. By
John Bunstone Bunning, Architect and Surveyor to the
Corporation of the City of London. Portland stone, with
ornament of cast iron, roof of slate. The tower is square in
plan with five stages, the first two wholly decorated with
banded rustication, the third and fourth partly so. Two round
arches project from each of the four sides, those on the south
projecting southwards, and so on; they have keystones and are
flanked by a rusticated pier on the tower side and a
rusticated anta on the outer side; their cornice continues
that of the first stage of the tower and there is a ball
finial to the anta; a concave buttress sweeps up from each
finial, rather in the manner of an inverted console, and meets
a continuation of the inner pier; both are crowned by a ribbed
cornice and bold double consoles.
The tower proper has a round-arched entrance to the south set
under a round arch with a keystone; there are round arches to
the other sides, now blocked (above this level the features
are identical on all four sides); plain moulded cornice;
round-arched windows to the second stage with ribbed sill and
keystone, and original glazing now partly obscured on all
sides; ribbed cornice; keyed oculus to third stage; ribbed
cornice; the fourth stage has paired, round-arched, louvred
openings with entablature, panelled spandrels and keystone
below a clock face with panelled spandrels; the clock by John
Morris of Clerkenwell, 1856; the whole of the third and fourth
stages set under a round arch of rustication; ribbed cornice;
the fifth stage has a balcony with elaborate cast-iron
brackets and railings and is arcaded, with three round arches
to all four sides forming a belvedere which acted as a
bell-chamber, the arches having entablature, keystone and
panelled spandrels; panelled frieze; deep bracketed cornice;
parapet with stone piers and rail, and cast-iron balustrade;
pyramidal roof with iron weather vane.

Listing NGR: TQ3020384805

Source: English Heritage

Listed building text is © Crown Copyright. Reproduced under licence: PSI Click-use licence number C2008002006.


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