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Showing posts from March, 2010

Blue Moon


Moon over Islington


city lights


2010 March London 24-03-2010 12-16-52

2010 March London 24-03-2010 12-16-52 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2010 Earth Hour London 27-03-2010 20-27-59

2010 Earth Hour London 27-03-2010 20-27-59 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2010 Earth Hour London 27-03-2010 20-47-54

2010 Earth Hour London 27-03-2010 20-47-54 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark


endofrainbown7 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark didn't expect the end of the rainbow to be on Market Road in Islington, Where's the pot of gold?

2010 March London 22-03-2010 10-27-23

2010 March London 22-03-2010 10-27-23 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2010 March London 22-03-2010 10-24-22

2010 March London 22-03-2010 10-24-22 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2010 March London 22-03-2010 10-27-58

2010 March London 22-03-2010 10-27-58 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark


2010-03-21 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Spring is sprung in Caledonian Park in holloway, Islington

Cally Park in Spring

Daffodils in Caledonian Park

  Daffodils in Caledonian Park, Holloway, Islington

Condemned building explodes into a riot of colour and light | Islington Tribune

Condemned building explodes into a riot of colour and light | Islington Tribune Condemned building explodes into a riot of colour and light Artists celebrate 40 years of memories on 1960s estate set for demolition Published: 12 March 2010 by RÓISÍN GADELRAB CABBAGES sprang from cold concrete, graffiti was daubed on balconies and a room transformed into a vision of fluorescent yellow as artists were given free rein over the condemned buildings of Market Estate before the buildings are demolished. Sculptor Antony Gorm­ley was among the thousands who turned up to see the huge art project, where 75 artists used flats, stairwells and communal spaces as blank canvases celebrating 40 years of memories. He described the project as “a joy and a delight”. The 1960s estate is being flattened to mak

Spring in Cally Park


Spring is Sprung!


2010 London 12-03-2010 09-37-56

2010 London 12-03-2010 09-37-56 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Very public art becomes quite private art.

2010 London 12-03-2010 09-37-31

2010 London 12-03-2010 09-37-31 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark The demolition process begins

Mother's Day 2010 London 14-03-2010

Mother's Day 2010 London 14-03-2010 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Caledonian Park - new trees!


2010 Market Estate Project 06-03-2010 20-02-28

2010 Market Estate Project 06-03-2010 20-02-28 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Arnaud Dechelle, Minako Kurachi, Francois Cassin, Dan Savage Block A Flat 92 I like this because Minako Kurachi interviewed me about my morning routine. I was a bit skeptical about this but Minako has a background as a journalist in Japan and Europe as a correspondent so we had a really good chat about a lot of things on the estate and how things had worked out. The snippets from the conversation were put into a voice loop and replayed in an installation in a flat with a stencil of "a strong, very earthy, deep brown cup of tea" on the wall. I liked this a lot. It is my morning routine and at work I have the same sort of thing with a teapot and making tea from tea leaves, it tastes much better and is much more environmentally friendly I put the leaves onto my plants, after reading them for my lottery numbers (kidding).

2010 Market Estate Project 05-03-2010 22-49-05

2010 Market Estate Project 05-03-2010 22-49-05 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Market Estate Project

A Day like no other day Market Estate Project Saturday 6th March 2010 photos are at  = Market Estate Project - the most amazing day, the best day, a day I will never forget. 75 artists, 66 site-specific projects, 20 vacant flats, and one soon to be demolished 1960's housing estate. The day began before the night before was over and I couldn't sleep, so I took a few photos around 4am. I love the flag. Jonathan Trayner Block B Roof Temporary Autonomous Zone. This flew from the top of Tamworth to mark the Project's presence in the space. "Following on from Hakim Bey's ideas of the Pirate Utopia, the flag for the Market Estate was designed and voted on by all the projects's participants. Tom Geoghegan Block B roof Splinter A live performance on the outer wall of the Tamworth block. He described it as "My personal connection to this site dates back to my early childhood

2010 March 6th Market Estate Project 1 -25

2010 March 6th Market Estate Project 1 -25 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark On behalf of all the residents of Market Estate, a big thank you to everyone who was involved in the Market Estate Project, culminating in the huge event on Saturday the 6th March 2010. The final stage of the decant and the start of the demolition of the last of the old estate was always going to be an Islington event but the whole day exceeded our expectations in every way. It wouldn’t have been possible without the support of Southern Housing Group and Higgins generous sponsorship with contributions from the Arts Council and the Big Lottery Fund. So many people have been involved and inspired to join in as the project has developed. Drawing Rooms was created by builders and Jeff Joseph from Higgins Construction who are the contractors developing the new estate with the architects drawings from HTA. The artists have been amazing: some became residents too, they are part of our community’s history – part o

... a strong very earthy deep brown cup of tea

2010 March 6th Market Estate Project 06-03-2010 20-02-28 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark I do need exactly that ... a strong very earthy deep brown cup of tea

2010 March 6th Market Estate Project 1 -4

2010 March 6th Market Estate Project 1 -4 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Tribute to Jim Veal

2010-03-06 Penique Productions Block A Flat 18

2010-03-06 Penique Productions Block A Flat 18 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2010 March 6th Market Estate Project 1 -1

2010 March 6th Market Estate Project 1 -1 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2010 March 6th Market Estate Project 06-03-2010 20-01-19

2010 March 6th Market Estate Project 06-03-2010 20-01-19 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2010 March 6th Market Estate Project 06-03-2010 17-57-33

2010 March 6th Market Estate Project 06-03-2010 17-57-33 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2010 Market Estate Project 05-03-2010 22-51-39

2010 Market Estate Project 05-03-2010 22-51-39 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2010 Market Estate Project 05-03-2010 22-50-17

2010 Market Estate Project 05-03-2010 22-50-17 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2010 Market Estate Project 05-03-2010 22-49-05

2010 Market Estate Project 05-03-2010 22-49-05 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Market Estate Project

Market Estate Project

The flag flying over the Market Estate Project

Market Estate

everything is art


2010 London 04-03-2010 08-15-48

2010 London 04-03-2010 08-15-48 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Cally Road tube

2010 London 04-03-2010 08-03-50

2010 London 04-03-2010 08-03-50 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Dereliction of beauty: Artists take over London's doomed Market Estate More than 75 artists have moved into a condemned housing block in north London, transforming its empty rooms and flaking walls into vibrant works of temporary art. On the eve of their public show – which lasts for one day only before the bulldozers move in – artists and former residents give us final, lingering look around The exhibition is open Saturday 6 March 2-10 pm only.

2010 London 04-03-2010 08-04-37

2010 London 04-03-2010 08-04-37 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Dereliction of beauty: Artists take over London's doomed Market Estate More than 75 artists have moved into a condemned housing block in north London, transforming its empty rooms and flaking walls into vibrant works of temporary art. On the eve of their public show – which lasts for one day only before the bulldozers move in – artists and former residents give us final, lingering look around The exhibition is open Saturday 6 March 2-10 pm only.