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The Market Radio


The Market Radio

The Market Radio is a non-commercial, freeform and community supported radio, funded by the Arts Council.
As a part of The Market Estate Project, Market Radio aims to be a creative playground for local community, the general public and the various artists involved into this project.

We seek to echo positive aspects of the history of Market Estate and its surroundings; whilst encouraging a positive future outlook for this neighborhood.
The radio will broadcast on air 1278 AM , in a range of 2 km from the Market Estate for a duration of 28 days, for 24 hours. Additionally, a live streaming audio will be available, together with a selection of podcasts, audio archives and a blog. Possibly, a CD with the best-of programs accompanying the Market Estate Project catalogue will be released.

The first program will air live on the 10 of February, as the first installations of the artworks will be taking place.
The overall programming will be synchronized with the process leading to the main event, providing information and news bulletin related to the arts and community involved in the Market Estate Project.
The content of this programming aims to be generated or inspired by the community, by artists, and by other selected members of the general public.

On the 6th of March, the day of the main event, a special itinerary of celebratory nature will be broadcasted; in support to the activities taking place at the Estate on North Road, N7.
A special selection of news bulletins will inform the visitors of the events, while interviews, DJ sets and live music will set the mood of this festive day
Transistors will be installed along public transport routes leading to Market Estate.
Prior to and after the event, the musical element will strive to inspire a newly-created community of artists working on-site, to connect them with the Estate.

Residents will enjoy the opportunity to give comments to the arts project happening around their homes. The radio will be a fertile way for involvement of this community.
It will also feature the voices of the artists working on-site and other figures working to re-build the neighborhood, such as local council and local social and healthcare professionals.
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