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Earthquake Appeal

post tibearth
Originally uploaded by caledonianpark
Earthquake Appeal

We will support an orphanage for children with special needs that has doubled its numbers to over 100 needy children and we will make small grants to schools and longer term education sponsorships for children in the earthquake areas.

Tibet Foundation Earthquake Appeal 2008

Tibet Foundation are seeking to raise £20,000 for rehabilitation and relief work in the Tibetan areas in which we have been working since 1993 through our Aid to Tibet programme.
These photos come from the areas in which we will be working. Our current identified priorities are for community level interventions where we can make a real difference through local action. We have raised over £8500 online and offline donations and pledges of support are in excess of £3000.
Contributions have come in from our supporters and many Tibetans from across the world.
We are very grateful for this and are committed to working to help the vulnerable who will bear the consequences of this terrible natural disaster.

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