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Minister marvels at Market makeover

Emily Thornberry MP for Islington South and Finsbury: News: Minister marvels at Market makeover: "Minister marvels at Market makeover
25 January 2008, 4:50pm
Minister Caroline Flint MP (left) and local MP Emily Thornberry (right) with new and old Market Estate in the background Minister Caroline Flint MP (left) and local MP Emily Thornberry (right) with new and old Market Estate in the background

The new Housing Minister Caroline Flint MP, joined local MP Emily Thornberry and Holloway’s three Labour councillors earlier this week to the see the £40m transformation under way on the Market Estate in N7.

Under the Government's pledge to bring all social housing in Britain up to the Decent Homes Standard, Southern Housing Association was asked in 2003 - with the support of 88% of residents - to take over and rebuild the much-troubled estate.

In an ambitious scheme, the estate is being rebuilt in phases - allowing all current residents to move into new buildings as they are completed without the need for temporary decanting.

Visiting the estate just before her promotion to Housing Minister, Caroline Flint met representatives from Southern Housing Association to discuss the regeneration, and then visited local residents who have recently moved into their new homes.

Caroline said:

'Decent housing is fundamental to people having decent life chances, so I was"


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