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Showing posts from January, 2008

Early am where the old car ark was.


2008 london 28-01-2008 07-33-30

2008 london 28-01-2008 07-33-30 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2007 Cally Easter Monday 2007-04-08_17-40-03_1

2007 Cally Easter Monday 2007-04-08_17-40-03_1 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Minister marvels at Market makeover

Emily Thornberry MP for Islington South and Finsbury: News: Minister marvels at Market makeover : "Minister marvels at Market makeover 25 January 2008, 4:50pm Minister Caroline Flint MP (left) and local MP Emily Thornberry (right) with new and old Market Estate in the background Minister Caroline Flint MP (left) and local MP Emily Thornberry (right) with new and old Market Estate in the background The new Housing Minister Caroline Flint MP, joined local MP Emily Thornberry and Holloway’s three Labour councillors earlier this week to the see the £40m transformation under way on the Market Estate in N7. Under the Government's pledge to bring all social housing in Britain up to the Decent Homes Standard, Southern Housing Association was asked in 2003 - with the support of 88% of residents - to take over and rebuild the much-troubled estate. In an ambitious scheme, the estate is being rebuilt in phases - allowing all current residents to move into new buildings as they are complet

2008 London 29-01-2007 08-27-14

2008 London 29-01-2007 08-27-14 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Southern Housing Group

Southern Housing Group Housing Minister visits Market Estate 25 January 2008 This week Caroline Flint MP met with tenants and senior housing officers from Southern Housing Group when she visited Market Estate in Islington. Her visit came two days before her official instatement as Minister for Housing. She spent the morning learning about the regeneration of the estate and the neighbouring Caledonian Park and met tenants who had undergone the recent decanting to new units. She then toured the estate to see first-hand how seamless the ‘demolish, build and rehouse’ process had been, and how pleased the residents were with the end result. David Kelly, a resident of the Market Estate in and Board Member of Southern Housing Group, was one of the first to be moved, he said: "Southern Housing Group is now delivering the new homes for families on the Market Estate in Islington. The minister showed a real understanding of the challenges for people living on an inner city estate. I a

2008 London 29-01-2007 08-23-59

2008 London 29-01-2007 08-23-59 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark "Market Estate" "caledonian park" Demolition Council Social Housing Tower Blocks Architecture 1960s 1970s UK "" "" Islington London

2008 London 24-01-2008 09-07-11

2008 London 24-01-2008 09-07-11 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Landscaping Drovers Way


Tear Down 24th January 2008


Big time Demolition Crane 2008

2008 22-01-2008 09-51-50 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Big time Demolition Crane 22-01-2008 09-51-50

2008 Market Estate 22nd January

2008 Market Estate 22nd January -9 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Caroline Flint Member of Parliament for Don Valley in South Yorkshire, the Minister of State for Employment and Welfare Reform in the Department for Work and Pensions and the Minister for Yorkshire and the Humber.

All weather pitches, Market Road, Islington, January 2008



The Spirit of Classical Hymn in Shelley's "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty" | Style | Find Articles at

The Spirit of Classical Hymn in Shelley's "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty" | Style | Find Articles at : "'Now it is hard, as I well know, merely to comprehend how great is the Invisible, if one judge by his visible self, and to tell it is perhaps impossible, even though one should consent to fall short of what is his due'"

A different angle


Demolition of Southdown


Bus Stop 393


Cally Park Hardball Court

2008 england 13-01-2008 12-42-36 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark 2008 england 13-01-2008 12-42-36

Market Estate

2008 england 12-01-2008 15-21-46 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark 2008 england 12-01-2008 15-21-46

Fiction - Crusaders / Books / Fiction - Crusaders Crusaders Review by Adrian Turpin Published: January 12 2008 00:37 | Last updated: January 12 2008 00:37 Crusaders By Richard T. Kelly Faber £14.99, 556 pages FT bookshop price: £11.51 Is Richard T. Kelly’s Crusaders the finest fiction debut of 2008? Too early to say, but there’s little doubt that this epic will feature prominently in next Christmas’s “books of the year” round-ups. Like the new Eurostar Terminus at St Pancras, this extraordinary state-of-the-nation novel manages to seem utterly of its time, despite the magnificent and unfashionable Victorian structural engineering that underpins it. The year is 1996, and John Gore, an idealistic Anglican clergyman and sometime Labour activist, returns home to “plant” a church in a poor suburb of Newcastle. Easier prayed than done. Gore’s brand of Christian socialism sits uneasily with a congregation sick of do-gooder social workers and cynical about regeneration schemes. To get his ministry off the

Youth in the Park

collage4-1 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

New Emerges from Old

DSC_0062 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2008 Demolition Work

2008 dk (18) Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Household Water Charges: 23 May 2007: Westminster Hall debates (

Household Water Charges: 23 May 2007: Westminster Hall debates ( I was saying that the constituents who drew to my attention the position on household water charges felt that they had received poor service from Thames Water, and that advice given to them was inaccurate and incomplete. One of the residents whose case I took up applied for a meter in May 2005 and was refused in July 2005. It was not until I took up her case in March this year that she was put on the average household charge. Her own telephone calls to Thames Water did not result in her being given clear or accurate information. Now she is on the average household charge, which saves her a bit in comparison with the water rates, but she is still paying over the odds, because the average household charge operated by Thames Water is the average of all non-business metered users and does not reflect the lower consumption that is typical of someone in her circumstances. My review of my constituent's cas

2008 Stolen Dog :(

2008 dk (26) Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2008 New Year

2008 dk (22) Originally uploaded by caledonianpark My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub. Grover Norquist