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Jessops photo contest in Parliament

Jessops photo contest unites Parliament

April 16, 2007
Chris Cheesman
Tim Loughton
The House of Commons and House of Lords have squared up to each other in this year's Jessops Parliamentary Photographic Competition, whose results are announced today.

The annual shootout failed to divide MPs and peers with the House of Commons and House of Lords producing three winners each.

Scoring honours for the Commons were Labour MPs Emily Thornberry and Austin Mitchell, who claimed top spots along with Shadow Children's Minister Tim Loughton.

Triumphing in the House of Lords were former NATO secretary general Lord Robertson, Viscount Allenby and Lord Crathorne.

A selection of the best 36 images are on show at where the public can vote for their favourite shots. The 'People's Choice' winner will be announced later this year.

Each winning entry earns £100 which will be donated to Jessops adopted charity CLIC Sargent.

A calendar featuring a dozen of the best images – and a photobook of the top 30 shots – is also available via the website, with proceeds going to the charity.

An exhibition of selected pictures is on show in the Upper Waiting Room of the House of Commons until 20 April. It will then move to the House of Lords until 4 May, before touring Jessops stores later in the year.


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