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Showing posts from April, 2007

Not a bad view


Market Estate Panorama

Market Estate Panorama Originally uploaded by caledonianpark .

2007 London Final Roofing

2007 London 25-04-2007 08-03-19 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark . Stage 1

the estate we are in ...


Inside Housing


New View 24 April 2007

"sophisticated approaches to purchasing upgrades to their care"

Doctors' report claims: 'We no longer have free health care' - Independent Online Edition > Health Medical Health Medical Doctors' report claims: 'We no longer have free health care' By Andrew Johnson Published: 23 April 2007 Increasing numbers of patients are paying for private "top-up" treatments alongside NHS care, meaning the health service is no longer free, a report by leading doctors warns today. The doctors have written to all three main political parties, and the Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt, outlining their concerns that the idea of a free health service is a "political mirage". The study was written by three doctors, including Karol Sikora, professor of cancer medicine at Imperial College School of Medicine for the group Doctors for Reform, which has nearly 1,000 members, all working for the NHS. It says that patients are developing "sophisticated approaches to purchasing upgrades to their care", incl

Early birds over York Way


Numb Light


Night Vision


Down the Road ...

Kings Cross Local Environment Kings Cross Access - community gets up to a million quid but no bridge yet...... After a surreal Camden Council meeting where residents weren’t allowed to speak, we now have up to £1 million on the table for refurbishing York Way to make it a better pedestrian environment. It is very unusual indeed to get such a commitment from Network Rail. This came directly from the community campaign so well done everyone. Huge thanks to everyone who came to the meeting you could see that it influenced the Councillors. But there is still more work to do. Network Rail at the eleventh hour, accepted the community need for access to the station from the North East. This now leads to downstream action in the Section 106 agreement to lock Network Rail into some community benefits. What we don’t have and need to continue campaigning for: Access to the station on the East side. Network Rail are doing a feasibility study into bridge options. They say in their lett

Through the Archway

2007 cally park 21-04-2007 18-06-43 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark . 2007 cally park 21-04-2007

Balcony Days

collage Originally uploaded by caledonianpark .

Clients need contractual relationships with agents - Clients need contractual relationships with agents Clients need contractual relationships with agents Published: 18 April 2007 Author: Ben Jones Email article Comment on this article Recruiters and clients need a clear contractual relationship to work well together, according to a representative from a charity for the homeless. Pete Jeffery, executive director of HR, audit and facilities at St Mungo's, said that the organisation was evaluating the way it used agency staff in order to keep tabs on spending. Jeffery revealed that up to 10% of his staff budget each year went on agency staff. "I think the thing which has become most apparent to us, when dealing with agencies, is the need for a very clear contractual relationship," Jeffery told Recruiter. "Agencies need to know what we expect from them, not just in terms of cost but also on an output basis." Jeffery said that, although relations between his organisation and agencies had



Yellow Brick Road

2007 london 18-04-2007 06-32-20 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark .

Snappy Snaps

Jessops photo contest in Parliament Jessops photo contest unites Parliament April 16, 2007 Chris Cheesman Tim Loughton The House of Commons and House of Lords have squared up to each other in this year's Jessops Parliamentary Photographic Competition, whose results are announced today. The annual shootout failed to divide MPs and peers with the House of Commons and House of Lords producing three winners each. Scoring honours for the Commons were Labour MPs Emily Thornberry and Austin Mitchell, who claimed top spots along with Shadow Children's Minister Tim Loughton. Triumphing in the House of Lords were former NATO secretary general Lord Robertson, Viscount Allenby and Lord Crathorne. A selection of the best 36 images are on show at where the public can vote for their favourite shots. The 'People's Choice' winner will be announced later this year. Each winning entry earns £100 which will be donated to Jessops adopted charity CLIC Sargent

On the move

Friends of Caledonian Park

Friends of Caledonian Park Originally uploaded by caledonianpark . Friends of Caledonian Park


2007 islington 16-04-2007 10-38-05 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark .

Friday the Thirteenth


After Easter over the Market

After Easter over the Market Originally uploaded by caledonianpark .

2007 london 10-04-2007 21-57-09

2007 london 10-04-2007 21-57-09 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark .

Market Time


Old News

night vision


Easter Monday Basketball April 2007

Easter Monday April 2007

moon on the market