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Bug in sofa helps unravel plot to 'kosher up' Britain's top crime boss | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited

Bug in sofa helps unravel plot to 'kosher up' Britain's top crime boss | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited: "Adams family values

Terry Adams on his family in general
'I want to keep [them] at arm's length.'

On his own brother Tommy, in particular, who he considered a 'jealous, evil c***'
'When you have got your so-called brother having it off with f*****g Paki informers getting us in the f*****g papers and with the f*****g Old Bill...

'When you have got a so-called brother who is trying to get us all done in so that he secures his freedom...'

Tommy was 'worse than a f*****g grass because he's had it with a grass'.

On violence
Speaking to an accomplice about a dispute over money, he said: 'A hundred grand it was, Dan, or 80 grand, and I went 'crack'. On my baby's life, Dan, his kneecap came right out there...all white, Dan, all bone and white...'

'When I hit someone I do them damage.'"


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