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Showing posts from March, 2007

Access to Arsenal 'a nightmare'

The new ground has a 60,000-seat capacity Transport problems around Arsenal's new stadium remain "a complete nightmare" despite assurances from the football club, residents have said. Residents complained of overcrowding, parking problems and poor Tube links to the Emirates Stadium in north London at an Arsenal community liaison meeting. The Highbury Community Association said: "On match days you can't move in or out before or after a match." But Arsenal said access to the venue was "in line with expectations". Resident and business groups, Islington Council, police and transport officials attended Thursday's community liaison meeting. The club moved to the 60,000-seat Ashburton Grove venue last summer, and supporters have complained that it can take up to an hour to get away after matches. 'Same disruption' Martin Jones, chairman of the Highbury Fields Association, also said: "Signs near the venue point out that there are par

Scope for Improvement?

scope 30-03-2007 19-37-48 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark .

hats off


Estate life better under landlords

Islington Tribune - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 16 March 2007 Estate life better under landlords • I APPRECIATE the emphasis MP Emily Thornberry has given to housing. I was glad your article highlighted that “on the Market estate and Priory Green, more than 80 per cent of residents agree there are big problems. However, only a small group of people on the Market feel their association is doing nothing about these problems, in comparison to well over half the residents of Priory Green” (‘Give tenants right to sack landlord’, March 9). I would say that most people on the Market estate are pleased with Southern Housing as their landlords. No one is going to pretend the problems of the estate have vanished but in almost every respect the situation has been improved. In fact, I would go further and say that, after a very long process of selection, it is a partnership that has worked. I don’t believe the offers from the other housing associations would have passed a ballot of the tenan

Night of pride for community stars

Sharon Jobe received an award for her tireless work to combat anti-social behaviour on the Market Estate, Holloway. Her reward was abuse and smashed windows from local thugs - but she never let bullying deter her and continues to offer support to the community. Night of pride for community stars 21 March 2007 All the winners with (back, left to right) Gazette editor Tony Allcock, and fellow judges Colonel Brian Kay, the Deputy Lieutenant of Islington, and Barry Norman, former Commander of Islington police. All the winners with (back, left to right) Gazette editor Tony Allcock, and fellow judges Colonel Brian Kay, the Deputy Lieutenant of Islington, and Barry Norman, former Commander of Islington police. PEOPLE are the glue that bind the community together - and the Mayor of Islington's Civic Awards are Islington's way of recognising the most extraordinary of those people. The presentation ceremony for the 2007 awards was held in the council chamber at Islin

2007 london 25-03-2007 16-30-39

2007 london 25-03-2007 16-30-39 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark .


2007 london 26-03-2007 07-00-27

2007 london 26-03-2007 07-00-27 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark .


2007 london 24-03-2007 20-16-05 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark . 2007 london 24-03-2007 20-16-05

2007 london 24-03-2007 19-06-43

2007 london 24-03-2007 19-06-43 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark .

2007 march

2007 march 07-03-2007 13-08-25 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark .

2007 london "Caledonian Park Users Group"

2007 london "Caledonian Park Users Group" Originally uploaded by caledonianpark .

2007 london Market Estate

2007 london 24-03-2007 20-26-03 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark .

New Games Court

2007 london 24-03-2007 18-59-11 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark . Opening 25th March 2007

Islington Gazette - Estate has improved

Islington Gazette - Estate has improved : "Estate has improved 21 March 2007 I APPRECIATE the emphasis that Emily Thornberry, MP for Islington South and Finsbury, has given to housing. I would say that most people on the Market Estate are pleased with Southern Housing as their landlords. No one is going to pretend that the problems of the estate have vanished but in almost every respect the situation has been improved. In fact I would go further and say that after a very long process of selection, it is a partnership that has worked. I don't believe that the offers from the other housing associations would have passed a ballot of the tenants. However, while I appreciate the idea of an estate-level service pledge, I suspect that tenants would rather frequently trigger an inspection of their service. As a personal comment, Southern won both ballots because of their ethos and commitment to affordable social housing. They have stayed the course with the estate

Islington Gazette - Estate has improved

Islington Gazette - Estate has improved : "Estate has improved 21 March 2007 I APPRECIATE the emphasis that Emily Thornberry, MP for Islington South and Finsbury, has given to housing. I would say that most people on the Market Estate are pleased with Southern Housing as their landlords. No one is going to pretend that the problems of the estate have vanished but in almost every respect the situation has been improved. In fact I would go further and say that after a very long process of selection, it is a partnership that has worked. I don't believe that the offers from the other housing associations would have passed a ballot of the tenants. However, while I appreciate the idea of an estate-level service pledge, I suspect that tenants would rather frequently trigger an inspection of their service. As a personal comment, Southern won both ballots because of their ethos and commitment to affordable social housing. They have stayed the course with the estate

Spring Sunlight

2007 March 21



Keep it together


March 2007


Fireworks from Camden


Coal hole cover XXXXIII

Coal hole cover XXXXIII Originally uploaded by dms246 .



"not in the business of setting up sewing circles"

Look what they have done to my town | Special Reports | Guardian Unlimited Politics : "B&H council has always been the Model Village equivalent of the New Labour government; spending hundreds of thousands of pounds on the city bid as its schools and hospitals slid into dreadful disrepair was typical of its all-fur-coat-and-no-knickers aspirations. But this particular abomination, as the fetid waste lay rotting in the street, really said it all. Not that it's just we on Silly Silicone Beach who suffer from a dementedly media-obsessed local government, or that it's anything new: "BP" wrote me a savagely amusing letter recalling the time in the late 70s when she worked with a voluntary organisation attempting to cushion the extreme poverty of some King's Cross residents. Hearing of their plight, the Greater London Arts Authority - rolling in it, as per - sent a representative down to the Cross to address a meeting of local women from council estates. They li

One man and his dog(s)

Islington - at a glance

Islington - at a glance If there is one feature that typifies Islington, it is its diversity - in terms of its people, its places and its character. Islington’s location has much to do with this. It is an inner city area in a capital city, and this has led to cultural diversity and to a mix of deprivation and affluence. Physically, the outward growth of London created a changing character from south to north - medieval street patterns still exist in parts of the Finsbury city fringe. To the north of Finsbury respectable suburbs, such as Barnsbury and Canonbury grew up near the village of Islington; but later these were overtaken by the Victorian terraces of Holloway and north Islington. This pattern was overlaid by post-war development - including extensive areas of council housing, and later on commercial development and even more recently, private flats and apartments. The A1 runs through the centre of the borough from north to south, linking important commercial and shopping centres

My ~Favourite View 12-03-2007

2007 Market Estate 12-03-2007 10-03-26 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark . St Paul's

2007 Market Estate 12-03-2007 09-56-26

2007 Market Estate 12-03-2007 09-56-26 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark .

12 March 2007

Bug in sofa helps unravel plot to 'kosher up' Britain's top crime boss | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited

Bug in sofa helps unravel plot to 'kosher up' Britain's top crime boss | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited : "Adams family values Terry Adams on his family in general 'I want to keep [them] at arm's length.' On his own brother Tommy, in particular, who he considered a 'jealous, evil c***' 'When you have got your so-called brother having it off with f*****g Paki informers getting us in the f*****g papers and with the f*****g Old Bill... 'When you have got a so-called brother who is trying to get us all done in so that he secures his freedom...' Tommy was 'worse than a f*****g grass because he's had it with a grass'. On violence Speaking to an accomplice about a dispute over money, he said: 'A hundred grand it was, Dan, or 80 grand, and I went 'crack'. On my baby's life, Dan, his kneecap came right out there...all white, Dan, all bone and white...' 'When I hit someone I do them damage.'"

Secondary school exam results worst in London

Secondary school exam results worst in London 08 March 2007 SECONDARY schools in Islington have hit the bottom of the league table - with the WORST exam results in London for 14-year-olds. Islington is ranked below all 31 other boroughs in the capital in National Curriculum tests in English, maths and science taken by teenagers in May last year. Two of Islington's secondary schools are among the bottom 20 individual schools in London in the league table - only nine schools across the city have worse results than Islington Arts and Media School in Turle Road, Finsbury Park, and only 13 scored worse than Holloway School in Hilldrop Road, Holloway.

Islington Tribune: Sack laandlord

Islington Tribune - News: Sack laandlord : "‘Give tenants right to sack landlord’ MP Emily tables Bill to hold housing associations to account EMILY Thornberry, the MP for Islington south, this week named and shamed five estates where residents are getting the “worst service” from their housing associations. It comes as the House of Commons publishes her ground-breaking Bill that proposes to give Britain’s residents the right to fire their housing association if they refuse to improve their service. To research her Private Members’ Bill Ms Thornberry carried out a survey of more than 400 housing association residents in Islington, asking them what they felt about the service from their landlord. Residents are willing to give their association a fair chance, she added. For example, on the Market Estate and Priory Green, more than 80 per cent of residents agree there are big problems. However, only a small group of people on the Market feel their association is doing nothing about t

Estates fear trouble

Islington Tribune - News: Estates fear trouble : "Labour councillor Janet Burgess is worried the move will echo the effects of Asbos imposed by Camden on drug dealers and prostitutes around King’s Cross. As a result, they were pushed up Caledonian Road to the Market estate. Cllr Burgess, former chairwoman of the Police Community Consultative Group, said: “I share that concern because there’s already quite a few problems with vandalism and dogs around the estates of Tufnell Park. It’s right on the border and we know some of the kids are from Camden.” She added: “I can sympathise with Camden but I am worried about a dispersal order having an effect on us and soon we will have to take steps.” Lib Dem councillor Ursula Woolley said she was speaking to police about introducing a similar dispersal zone on the Islington side."

brightness of spring


The Humming Bird Rays spring from the East like purple arrows. The humming bird begins his flight. Happily he flies through the purple sky, Looking for the lovely pink rose.

Panoramas March 2007

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse Originally uploaded by IanL .


back in the days ...