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Showing posts from September, 2014

Views over Islington across the borough from Clocktower

In the clockfaceCally Park Clocktower open house london #openhouselondon @openhouselondon

Consultation on new building in Caledonian Park, do we need a visitors centre?

Consultation on new building in Caledonian Park, do we need a visitors centre? CONSULTATION  ON HERITAGE LOTTERY FUND BID OPTIONS -   Now until 5th October. This is really Important:  Your chance  to give your views on the options until 5th October Tell your friends and neighbours about the consultation. Consultation document on line at Packs available in hard copy at Drovers Centre and John Barnes Library Today  Drop-in meeting  Wednesday 17th September, 5-7 pm at the Drovers Centre Chris Hariades, Project Officer will be there  with the plans to answer questions Sunday 21st September  10-1pm, at the Clocktower, Caledonian Park  Displays and consultation documents   available at the          clock tower.The clock tower tours are now fully booked but there is always the  possibility   that there may be no shows or                cancellations

The view from the Clocktower ...& Join us on Facebook

The view from the Clocktower ... Join us on Facebook