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Showing posts from August, 2014

Panorama of London from Cally Park Clocktower

#skyline #London #Islington #Caledonian #Park #opensquare Panorama of London from Cally Park Clocktower

Cally Park Islington Clocktower View

Do we want or need a Visitor Centre in Cally Park?: Drop in Consultation, Tuesday 4.30 - 7.30 pm Drovers Centre North Road N7 options for location & design

Do we want or need a Visitor Centre in Cally Park?: Drop in Consultation, Tuesday 4.30 - 7.30 pm Drovers Centre North Road N7 options for location & design  of visitor Centre: Drop in Consultation, Tuesday, 4.30-7.30 at the Drovers Centre, North Road N7. Caledonian  Park proposed as part of the bid for Heritage Lottery Fund Grant to repair the clock tower and create visitor facilities. Please do try to go to this  Drop in Consultation tomorrow, Tuesday, 4.30-7.30 at the Drovers Centre, North Road N7. Your chance to have your say: Do we want or need a Visitor Centre in Cally Park???

Today! Highgate Swimming Ponds petition handing in Camden Town Hall, 11am Monday morning, on the corner of Judd Street and Euston Road. ITV London will be there along with other local journalists ... a good opportunity to show our strength in numbers. Please do come along if you're fee.

Next steps ... any planning application on Metropolitan Open Land requires the consent of the Mayor of London as well as that of the local planning authority which is the London Borough of Camden.

Blue butterfly dances by my feet ...

Tells me, "Save these ponds ..." Or I will come back as a dragon."