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Showing posts from March, 2014

Asquith grave has him as "Prime Minister of England"

Maybe they ran out of space ... Sutton Courtenay Oxfordshire, England He was elected to Parliament as a Liberal in 1886; he became Home Secretary in the last  Gladstone's  government. In 1908 he succeeded Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman  as Prime Minister and his government introduced social reforms including old-age pensions and unemployment insurance. During the first world war he was forced to resign. He resigned the leadership of the Liberal party in 1926.

Hybernacium ... Grant installs the bees & ladybird hotel

#callypark #holloway #caledonianpark

Protest at Pentonville Howard League

British Library ... A London Spaceship ...

Caught in a driving hailstorm off Liverpool Road ... Springtiem!

Hampstead Heath Ponds Project @CityCorpHeath Consultation Results

From: Wood, Jennifer < > Date: 21 March 2014 13:12 Subject: Hampstead Heath Ponds Project - Consultation Results To: Hello,   Thank you for taking part in the Hampstead Heath Ponds Project consultation.   Over 4,000 people visited the Heath displays over the duration of the consultation. We received over 1000 completed questionnaires and approximately another 1000 comments were left at the displays.   The aim of the consultation was to find out if the public had a preference between four design options - two on each of the pond chains - as well as raising awareness of the project.   For your information a summary of the results of the consultation are attached and you can follow this link to the full report on our website.   I have added your email address to a database for Ponds Project updates – if you would like to unsubscribe please reply to this email with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject box.  

Moon over the York Way Estate of the City Corporation

12-Moon Islington London 17-03-2014 00-59-57 , a photo by caledonianpark on Flickr. London 17-03-2014 00-59-57 Moon over the York Way Estate of the City Corporation in Islington

Boooo Flickr : are deprecating the support for sharing to Blogger on 3/25.

2008 26-03-2008 00-46-54 , a photo by caledonianpark on Flickr. Some old photos of foxes 2008 26-03-2008 00-46-54 Boooo Flickr : are deprecating the support for sharing to Blogger on 3/25.

Moon over the Islington Tennis Centre @aquaterral

Highgate Ponds will be ruined by proposed flood defenses @CityCorpHeath @DamNonsense

Highgate Ponds will be ruined by proposed flood defenses @CityCorpHeath @DamNonsense  City of London Corporation, which has responsibility for Hampstead Heath, is proposing to build new flood defences around the Heath Ponds @DamNonsense Whats going to happen to our ponds? The City of London Corporation, which has responsibility for Hampstead Heath, is proposing to build new flood defences around the Heath Ponds Home Public meeting, 10th Feb launch release Nigel Kennedy pictures Heath & Hampstead Society statement Questions Lord Hoffmann H & HS resolution Media Home The City of London Corporation, which has responsibility for Hampstead Heath, is proposing to build new flood defences around the Heath Ponds to reduce the City’s alleged legal liability to nearby residents in the case of a “one in 400,000 year” storm and flood. Claiming that 1,400 people downstream of the

Beautiful moon over London tonight

Please take the top @MetroUK: they are all the same @EveningStandard

Caledonian Tube

It must be Spring, alfresco dining returns to Islington

Pentonville Road, always ahead of the curve ...

Sunny day in Islington, across Cally Park

Sunny day in Islington, across Cally Park , a photo by caledonianpark on Flickr. Spring is here!