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Showing posts from February, 2014

Caledonian Park Friends Group Activity Day Saturday 8th March 1.30 - 4pm

Weeding, pruning apple and pear trees, litter picking: Something for everyone!  Do come.All welcone.  Some tools and gloves provided but bring some if you have them  Activity Day in the park Saturday 8th march 1.30-4.00pm

Get your garden ready for spring. Order a subsidised compost bin or wormery

#worms @IslingtonLife: Get your garden ready for spring. Order a subsidised compost bin or wormery

LONDON DAM SURVEY. CLOSING TOMORROW: 17/2/2014 If you object to the plans, please select "Not Satisfied" (option 1) for questions 1,3,5 & 7

Hampstead Heath Ponds Project > URGENT REMINDER > PLEASE COMPLETE THE CITY OF LONDON DAM SURVEY.  > CLOSING DATE FOR THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION IS TOMORROW: 17/2/2014 > > > > If you object to the plans, please select "Not Satisfied" (option 1) for questions 1,3,5 & 7. You should also offer reasons for your objections in the questions immediately following. > If you would like more detailed advice on the project please download this document. More information on how to respond to the survey is available here. > > If they go ahead as planned, the dams near the men's and boating pond will be raised by between 1.5 metres (5ft) and 2.5 metres (8ft). This will permanently alter the Heath and the views around both ponds (particularly the boating pond). Unsuitable large scale dams are also planned around the mixed pond.  > For more details please see the Dam Nonsense we

2014 London 10-02-2014 14-51-11

2014 London 10-02-2014 14-51-11 , a photo by caledonianpark on Flickr. A Rainbow! Whatever else you say about the weather in London, it is mild ... if dramatic.

View from Primrose Hill ... If this were my view, I wouldn't think chop down the trees ... Kenwood House, Hampstead. English Heritage needs to save these mature trees.

Hampstead If this were my view, I wouldn't think chop down the trees ... Kenwood House, Hampstead. English Heritage needs to save these mature trees.