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Showing posts from January, 2014

The Cally Market ‏@TheCallyMarket Sunflour bakery Irish soda bread on Saturday

    ‏ @ TheCallyMarket Jan 24 Im craving my Sunflour bakery at the Cally Market. Irish soda bread!!!!!!

Trees at Kenwood House, English Heritage Consultation and City of London Dam project on Hampsteas Heath

an opportunity to stop the chop of trees at Kenwood! http://www.   by English Heritage coincidentally with ... an opportunity to comment on @ EnglishHeritage English Heritage New Model: Consultation https://www. And finally  PLS do City of London survey Dams @ DamNonsense # damnonsense http://www. YourViews   … Feb 17th Highgate

PLS complete survey City of London on dumb Dams Hampstead Heath @DamNonsense #damnonsense public consultation Feb 17th

Highgate Ponds, City of London survey on dumb Dams Hampstead Heath public consultation Feb 17th @DamNonsense #damnonsense The City of London Corporation, which has responsibility for Hampstead Heath, is proposing to build new flood defences around the Heath Ponds to reduce the City’s alleged legal liability to nearby residents in the case of a “one in 400,000 year” storm and flood. Claiming that 1,400 people downstream of the Heath could drown in such a storm, the City plans to build embankments, better known as dams on or between some of the Heath ponds, the largest of which will be a new eight foot high dam on the Highgate Boating Pond and a new 18 foot high dam above the Hampstead Mixed Bathing Pond. Existing dams on other Highgate and Hampstead ponds will be heavily built up, and large overflow spillways (some of them 140 feet or more across) will be excavated. There is deep concern that the information used by the City of London

Delicious treats @TheCallyMarket @THemptationFood Ye amazing hemp brownies and chocolate.

Caledonian Road N7 Islington Delicious   @ TheCallyMarket   @ THemptationFood   Ye amazing hemp brownies and chocolate.

Kenwood Copper Beech Trees at Risk @englishheritage Hampstead Heath

Protest @ EnglishHeritage at The three large Copper Beech Trees in this photo will be felled in order to restore an alleged  historic view if English Heritage has its way. If you want to try and save them, please write before 31 January to English Heritage giving them your opinion and reasons why More Photos at Kenwood Copper Beech Trees at Risk @englishheritage Hampstead Heath

Daft Hampstead tree felling by @EnglishHeritage #ForestFriday @SaveOurWoods @TheTreeCouncil @jnicolanicholls @TheICF

# ForestFriday @ SaveOurWoods @ TheTreeCouncil @ TheICF   @Love_forests @EnglishHe​ritage want to chop down 3 big Copper Beech Trees @EHKenwood @EHSimonTh​urley Kenwood English Heritage has plans to fell these three magnificent Copper Beech trees. Unbelievable, but @EnglishHeritage want to chop down 3 big Copper Beech Trees @EHKenwood @EHSimonThurley The reason given is to restore an alleged historic "Gentleman's" view. We think that preserving the splendour of these three mature and living trees, which could live for another 100 years, has a higher priority. If you agree, please E mail English Heritage and send them your opinion in your own words as to why these trees should NOT be cut down. This is very urgent as the Consultation period ends in just 7 days on 31 January 2014 and the decision will be taken almost immediately after that date. Click the photo to get a closer view. The

Unbelievable, but @EnglishHeritage want to chop down 3 big Copper Beech Trees @EHKenwood @EHSimonThurley Kenwood House, Hampstead Heath, English Heritage

Kenwood House, Hampstead Heath, English Heritage English Heritage has plans to fell these three magnificent Copper Beech trees. Unbelievable, but @EnglishHeritage want to chop down 3 big Copper Beech Trees @EHKenwood @EHSimonThurley The reason given is to restore an alleged historic"Gentleman's" view. We think that preserving the splendour of these three mature and living trees, which could live for another 100 years, has a higher priority. If you agree, please E mail English Heritage and send them your opinion in your own words as to why these trees should NOT be cut down. This is very urgent as the Consultation period ends in just 7 days on 31 January 2014 and the decision will be taken almost immediately after that date. Click the photo to get a closer view. The E mail address to write with your views The consultation period

Pananorama of Cally Park and London Skyline

PANO_20140110_074029 , a photo by caledonianpark on Flickr. Caledonian Park

Hampstead Dam Nonsense ... Highgate Ponds Project consultation period

  "Highgate Men's Pond Association" < > wrote: URGENT:PLEASE READ > HAMPSTEAD HEATH PONDS PROJECTS - PUBLIC CONSULTATION PERIOD > > Dear Swimmers,  > > The City of London are pressing ahead with their plans for new dam construction on the Heath, and the public consultation period is now open until the 17th of February. If you are concerned about the work and the change it will bring to the Heath please read on and respond to the City. > The pictures you see on this email show the path on the boating pond dam as it is now, and as it will be if the City are allowed to complete the work as planned (at a height of 2-2.5m approx). As you can see you won't be able to view the Boating Pond from the new path, and if you imagine the height of the new dam going across to meet the hills on either side of the pond, you can appreciate what a huge and irreversible change this will be. > Please download the

Fresh today! Buses and bright skies at Mount Pleasant

Bike in a Bag ... Lol ... Try knicking that!

Islington Cycling

Sunrise over Cally Gates ... On a roll today, at desk with inspiration ... Lol