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Showing posts from July, 2013

Stephen Walter’s London Subterranea on Cally Road

Stephen Walter’s London Subterranea on Cally Road , a photo by caledonianpark on Flickr. at Anthropocene at the Londonewcastle

PICNIC IN CALLY PARK & WORKDAY Saturday 13th July. 12.00 am

PICNIC IN CALLY PARK & WORKDAY Saturday 13th July. 12.00 am , a photo by caledonianpark on Flickr. PICNIC IN CALLY PARK & WORKDAY Saturday 13th July. 12.00 am

Grim aftermath: dried flowers @spot of senseless stabbing on York Way

#putdownyourknives N7

Cycling in the City? Please do online response! Make bikers safe at Aldgate

Lots of money on blue paint and PR it's a negligent disgrace. City of London - Aldgate area - Online survey: /transport-and-streets/transport-planning/transport-projects/aldgate-area/Pages/Online-survey.aspx Cycling in the City? Please do online response! Make bikers safe at Aldgate