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Showing posts from June, 2013

Death scene: Police in York Way, Islington, 'Lay down your knives'

Death scene: Police in York Way, Islington, 'Lay down your knives'

Heath Ponds & Dams Project dam news ... Hampstead bathing under threat from City Heath Ponds & Dams Project dam news Date: 25 June 2013 17:23 Dear Swimmers, During the latest stage of the Ponds Project the following options from the engineers have been suggested for the Boating Pond dam (the dam between the Men's Pond and the Boating Pond). I must stress that these options were rushed out to us following the recent Pond's Project Stakeholders walk on the Heath, and they are very much back-of-the-envelope calculations which we intend to challenge. We hope to have more precise information in three weeks time. "Do Nothing Option – if you didn't put any additional storage at the Boating Pond then Atkins would need to install a 125m grass reinforced spillway across the whole of the Men's Pond dam. This is 5m longer than the existing dam and would require total tree removals even around the left and right hand side of the dams. The existing dam would be re-profiled so that it linked immediately into Highgate No.

the poppies in Cally Park seem to like this weather ...

the poppies in Cally Park seem to like this weather ... , a photo by caledonianpark on Flickr. very good for heroin i hear ...

Spectacular early morning sunrise over York Way Estate like a Superman leap trail

P1040521 , a photo by caledonianpark on Flickr.

Sunrise behind the Clocktower of Caledonian PArk

P1040529 , a photo by caledonianpark on Flickr.

“Getting out on the bike is what we’re all dreaming of doing whilst we’re sitting at our computers,” Business networking: Cycling is the new golf | The Economist

"Getting out on the bike is what we're all dreaming of doing whilst we're sitting at our computers,"    Business networking: Cycling is the new golf | The Economist "Getting out on the bike is what we're all dreaming of doing whilst we're sitting at our computers,"

Sometimes cycling in the city the bike lanes are a nightmare

Holborn Circus London

Sometimes cycling in the city the bike lanes are a nightmare

Holborn Circus London

Carers Week #carersweek ‏@carersweek

Carers Week #carersweek ‏@carersweek , a photo by caledonianpark on Flickr. Some great art for Carers Week #carersweek ‏@carersweek Carers Week @artbox #preparedtocare

Caledonian Park ... #opensquare @opensquare Community Orchard

Lord Mayors Appeal #citydip2013 @lmappeal

Fencing comes down in Cally Park as regeneration is nearly completed

London 2013 3569 , a photo by caledonianpark on Flickr. Caledonian Park Holloway

A beautiful tube notice painting by Kim at Cally Road

Caledonian Road P1030447.JPG These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google. Try it out here:

Catsitting ...

Hmmm, thought Duffy, Fatso's back for the rest of the Haagen Daz.