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Showing posts from November, 2010

the Clocktower in the snow in Cally

P1160802 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

new foundations and a road for the Market Estate regeneration in Holloway

P1160729 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2007 Market Estate 12-03-2007 10-30-41

2007 Market Estate 12-03-2007 10-30-41 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Back in the day ...

New Road to North Road and Drovers Way N7

P1160650 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Caledonian Park New Play Area Official Opening 4th December

Caledonian Park New Play Area Official Opening Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

finally Kate Middleton's right royal Islington connection to Holloway! errr the prison & Edward Thomas Glassborow

Biographer traces Kate Middleton's ancestry to Holloway Prison Kate Middleton's great great grandfather was imprisoned in Hollway Photo: PA By John Bingham 8:32AM BST 30 Mar 2009 A new biography of the woman who might one day be Queen discloses that her great-great-great grandfather was a prisoner. An entry in the 1881 census shows that Edward Thomas Glassborow, an ancestor of Miss Middleton's father, Michael, was listed as an inmate at Holloway Prison in London. He is one of 436 occupants listed at the institution, which is now a women's prison. There are no known records to explain what crime Glassborow had committed but it is clear from later papers that he went on to turn his life around. Birth records for his son Frederick, Miss Middleton's great-great grandfather, a few years later show that he was then listing himself as a "gentleman of independent means". Edward Thomas Glassborow

Pathway throught the woods in Caledonian Park in Holloway, Islington

Pathway throught the woods in Caledonian Park in Holloway, Islington Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Foundations of the new Market Estate in Holloway

Foundations of the new Market Estate in Holloway Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Caledonian Road Tube artist, Kimi, with a Smile of Mona Lisa! IMAG0085.jpg

Caledonian Road Tube artist, Kimi, with a Smile of Mona Lisa! IMAG0085.jpg Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2010 November View

2010 November 03-11-2010 08-29-20 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Chapel Market in the Autumn light

P1150383 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark