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Showing posts from February, 2009

Has Britain become a more equal society under New Labour? | Society | The Guardian

The problem is that the scale of action was often small relative to the underlying inequalities; problems were often harder to tackle than the government appears originally to have assumed, and less amenable to a one-off fix. As growth in living standards as a whole slowed, even before the current recession, and public finances became more constrained, policy momentum gained by the middle of the period had often been lost by the end of it. Has Britain become a more equal society under New Labour? | Society | The Guardian Some thoughts: The Moving-Target-Problem applies: without continual attention and "renewal", the poorest areas slip backwards rather than standing still. And changes in the social environment make it harder to stand still. Wealth inequalities continue to grow, and so do a wide range of measures of inequalities in health, including overall inequalities in age at death, infant mortality, heart disease and mental health indicators. The better-educated may be mos

2009 London 10-02-2009

2009 London 03-02-2009 08-50-47.JPG

2009 London 03-02-2009 08-50-47.JPG Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2009 London 02-02-2009 03-23-45.JPG

2009 London 02-02-2009 03-23-45.JPG Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2009 snowytiem 02-02-2009 03-22-27.JPG

2009 snowytiem 02-02-2009 03-22-27.JPG Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2009 free tibet

2009 free tibet Originally uploaded by caledonianpark