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Showing posts from November, 2008

2008 MArket Estate 26-11-2008 09-18-56

2008 MArket Estate 26-11-2008 09-18-56 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2008 MArket Estate 26-11-2008 10-49-04

2008 MArket Estate 26-11-2008 10-49-04 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2008 London November 17th 17-11-2008 07-36-59

2008 London November 17th 17-11-2008 07-36-59 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2008 November 7th

2008 November 7th Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

David Kelly to Councillor Terry Stacy

(f) David Kelly to Councillor Terry Stacy, Executive Member for Housing and Community Safety Caledonian Park is again going through one of those phases where the anti-social behaviour is seriously increasing. I am concerned about sex workers, park drinkers and drug dealers using the park. What is Islington Council doing to move along the regeneration of Caledonian Park and make it a safe green space for the local community?

2008 2nd November 02-11-2008 17-21-57

2008 2nd November 02-11-2008 17-21-57 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Islington Tribune - by ROISIN GADELRAB Published: 31 October 2008 Petition on prostitutes sparks row A ROW has broken out over how to tackle increased prostitution in the York Way estate. Labour presented a petition to the council bearing more than 100 names calling for a dispersal zone, but the Lib Dems and the police have decided to collect more evidence before deciding if this is necessary. Brenda Kyriachou, chairwoman of the York Way estate, said: “We’ve got prostitutes walking up and down Market Road at all times of the day and night. It’s getting worse – something needs to be done now.” Labour councillor Paul Smith, said: “I’m really disgusted. We presented a petition signed by over 100 people from the York Way estate saying they wanted a dispersal zone. “They’re extremely anxious about it. Crime chief councillor Terry Stacy said: “We’re not saying a dispersal zone is ruled out. People have to unders

2008 2nd November 02-11-2008 17-21-53

2008 2nd November 02-11-2008 17-21-53 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark 'Council worker's park encounter with prostitute' 30 October 2008 A MAN who appeared to be an Islington Council worker brazenly chatted up a prostitute in his van at 8.45am - then followed her into a park, it was said this week. The employee, who was wearing the distinctive green Islington Council overalls at the time, left his colleague reading in the van. The scene was played out last Friday in front of a horrified grandmother who was waiting at a bus stop opposite Caledonian Park, in Market Road, Holloway - Islington's main prostitution hotspot. Speaking exclusively to the Gazette, the 55-year-old, who lives in Penfields House, on the York Way Estate, but asked not to be named, said: "I honestly could not believe what I was seeing. "I was standing next to the football pitches waiting to get the 274 bus to Camden Town when this Islington Council van pulled u

Market Road Islington 2008 2nd November

2008 2nd November 02-11-2008 17-22-06 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Market Road Islington 2008 2nd November 02-11-2008 17-22-06 Kerb crawler petition row 29 October 2008 PLEAS for help from residents suffering at the hands of prostitutes and kerb-crawlers are falling on deaf ears, a Labour councillor has warned. More than 100 people living on the York Way Estate, off Market Road, Holloway, signed a petition backing plans to introduce a dispersal order to disrupt vice activity on their doorsteps. Councillor Paul Smith, who represents Holloway ward, raised the issue with Islington Council and was told the executive would discuss it at the next meeting on November 20 - but instead the meeting has been cancelled on the grounds that there is "not enough business" to justify it. Councillor Smith said: "This is outrageous. The council has a duty to act swiftly on issues of crime and anti-social behaviour and yet the executive can't be bothered