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Showing posts from May, 2008

2008 london 18-05-2008 19-19-30

2008 london 18-05-2008 19-19-30 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2008 Market Estate 18th May

2008 Market Estate 18th May Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2008 Market Estate 18th May

2008 Market Estate 18th May Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2008 Market Estate 18th May

2008 Market Estate 18th May Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Southdown down

P1080012 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

New Market Estate SHG office

P1080007 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Stabbing shuts the paper shop on North Road

P1060988 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Islington Tribune - by ROISIN GADELRAB Published: 16 May 2008 Chief Supt Bob Carr Crime drops, but police boss warns: offenders are younger Borough Commander greets plans to upgrade skunk, ‘a psychotic drug’ BOROUGH Commander Bob Carr has welcomed plans to reverse the downgrading of cannabis as he celebrates a “spectacular” fall in crime in Islington. He has also said that offenders are getting younger, adding: “It still remains that a lot of crime is committed by young people on young people. If anything, the age group’s getting younger.” While Chief Supt Carr is celebrating the borough’s record of having the biggest reduction in key offences – including burglaries and violent crime – in London over five years, he has backed Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s plans to upgrade cannabis to a Class B drug. He said: “It should never have been taken down to Class C in the first place. It was very confusing. The moment it was set in Class C peop


P1060976 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2008 London 06-05-2008 20-37-39

2008 London 06-05-2008 20-37-39 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2008 London 06-05-2008 09-00-46

2008 London 06-05-2008 09-00-46 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2008 London 02-05-2008 04-43-52

2008 London 02-05-2008 04-43-52 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark


CREDIT CRUNCH HITS HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS Programme : PM Station : BBC RADIO 4 Date : 05/05/08 Time : 17:15 Duration : 08 MINUTES 55 SECONDS CAROLYN QUINN: Presenter The credit crunch isn’t only hitting the private housing market it’s also having a huge impact on the rented sector with housing associations unable to fund new developments. Last summer the Government unveiled plans for a big increase in the number of new homes to be built each year. But developers are cutting back their building plans and the number of new homes completed this year is likely to fall. At the same time the Local Government Association is predicting that because of the credit crunch and the economic slowdown two million households in England - that’s five million people – will be on the waiting list for social housing by 2010. Our business correspondent, Nils Blythe, has been finding out more. NILS BLYTHE: Business Correspondent I’ve come to the Market Estate in North London. It’s a big redevelopment where th

2008 London 2nd May

2008 London 1st may-1 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark New Mayor at Midnight

New Mayor at Midnight

2008 London 1st may-12 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark 2008 London 1st may-12

2008 moon 26-04-2008 02-41-23

2008 moon 26-04-2008 02-41-23 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Radio Gaga