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Showing posts from February, 2008

2008 London 27-02-2008 17-57-38

2008 London 27-02-2008 17-57-38 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Liberal Democrats Mayoral Candidate, Brian Paddick visited the Market Estate.

Market_estate290208.jpg Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Liberal Democrats Mayoral Candidate, Brian Paddick visited the Market Estate.

Paddick launches housing manifesto February 26th, 2008 Liberal Democrat Mayoral candidate Brian Paddick, today launched his housing policies fromthe Market housing estate in Islington.Speaking at the launch, Brian Paddick, said: “For people to get a manageable mortgage on an average property in London today, they have to be earning at least £80,000 a year. “The dream of a property earning democracy has become a nightmare, with unaffordable mortgages and private sector rents stealing an ever-increasing proportion of people’s take home pay. Decent, affordable rented accommodation is the only way out of the housing crisis for the vast majority of Londoners. “In other major capitals across the world, renting is the accepted norm. With the housing market operating as it does, this is the only viable option for the capital. “Ken Livingstone is planning to fail with his housing targets, and Boris Johnson is failing to plan any solution to the crisis. “My policies are a series

another day, another less brick in the wall

  Before I built a wall I'd ask to know What I was walling in or walling out, And to whom I was like to give offense. Something there is that doesn't love a wall, 35 That wants it down."

2008 February 27 27-02-2008 08-09-23

2008 February 27 27-02-2008 08-09-23 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2008 London 25-02-2008 09-12-45

2008 London 25-02-2008 09-12-45 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark “time out of mind”

2008 Islington 26-02-2008 07-55-33

2008 Islington 26-02-2008 07-55-33 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

The End Days of the old estate


2008 1am ... was that an earthquake? yep.

  Earthquake felt across parts of the capital By John van Straaten and agencies The biggest earthquake to hit the UK in almost a quarter of a century was felt across large parts of the country, including the capital, in the early hours of this morning (February 27). According to the British Geological Survey, the 5.2 magnitude quake was centered about 125 miles north of London in Lincolnshire at 1am, but many people in the capital and other areas said they had been woken up by the tremors. Many properties are said to have suffered structural damage but there is only one reported injury - a man was hit by bricks falling from a chimney stack. advertisement A woman in Notting Hill reportedly told news agencies that her radio was bumping up and down on a shelf for several seconds. The quake was the largest to hit Britain since one with a magnitude of 5.4 in 1984. The BGS said it had been inundated with calls from the public and emergency services throughout the country. BGS seismologist Dr

2008 Demolition Work

collage1 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark 25th February 2008

2008 London 25-02-2008 12-28-28

2008 London 25-02-2008 12-28-28 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark



2008 Feb 22nd


Islington Trades Union Council

        Islington Trades Union Council

2008 Market Estate 21-02-2008 08-47-23

2008 Market Estate 21-02-2008 08-47-23 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

All that work ...


2008 Market Estate 21-02-2008 08-39-03

2008 Market Estate 21-02-2008 08-39-03 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2008 Market Estate 21-02-2008 08-21-18

2008 Market Estate 21-02-2008 08-21-18 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Another one bites the dust ...


History on a banner

History on a banner• ISLINGTON Trades Union Council (ITUC), which was re-launched last year, will be hosting a presentation of its new banner at its annual meeting at 7.30pm on February 21 at Islington Town Hall, with MP Jeremy Corbyn and Frances O’Grady, from the TUC, as guest speakers.The banner will depict the history of the labour and trade union movements in Islington, from 18th century radical Tom Paine, who wrote Rights of Man at the Angel Inn, down to present-day workers.Also portrayed is the rally of 100,000 trade unionists in Copenhagen Fields in 1834 petitioning for the return to England of the six Tolpuddle Martyrs transported to Australia for forming an agricultural union, and five trade unionists jailed in Pentonville prison in 1972 for upholding union rights.ITUC co-ordinates trade unions to campaign for better working conditions and for community benefits. Come and join us at the unfurling of our banner.It will be a historic event for Islington trade unionists and the b

Clocktower and Demolition

Taking photos and along comes a copper ...


Construction News

Construction news small Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Asbestos Clearance

Booth Poverty Map & Modern map (Charles Booth Online Archive)

Booth Poverty Map & Modern map (Charles Booth Online Archive) Poverty Classification ( Click here for more details ) BLACK : Lowest class. Vicious, semi-criminal. DARK BLUE : Very poor, casual. Chronic want. LIGHT BLUE : Poor. 18s. to 21s. a week for a moderate family PURPLE : Mixed. Some comfortable others poor PINK : Fairly comfortable. Good ordinary earnings. RED : Middle class. Well-to-do. YELLOW : Upper-middle and Upper classes. Wealthy.

The Market Mondrian

Blogged with Flock

2008 February 15th Demolition


2008 London 13-02-2008 08-53-03

2008 London 13-02-2008 08-53-03 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark


2008 lONDON 12-02-2008 07-36-21 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark 2008 lONDON 12-02-2008 07-36-21

2008 lONDON 12-02-2008 07-39-14

2008 lONDON 12-02-2008 07-39-14 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark