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Showing posts from June, 2007

Drovers Way, from York Way

Changes - June 07


100_4317 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

dk 2007-06-24_11-19-06

dk 2007-06-24_11-19-06 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2007 Rainbows

2007 june 22 (56) Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Triumphal arch, that fill'st the sky When storms prepare to part, I ask not proud Philosophy To teach me what thou art. Author: Thomas Campbell Source: To the Rainbow

Housing academic inspects £40m project

Higgins Construction - News Room - News Headlines Housing academic inspects £40m project 15.03.2007 In the same week that housing academic Professor Anne Power of the London School of Economics launched her latest book co-authored with John Houghton, "Jigsaw Cities: Big Places, Small Spaces (CASE Studies on Poverty, Place & Policy): Big Places, Small Spaces (CASE Studies on Poverty, Place & Policy) (Paperback)," she was the latest VIP to see Southern Housing Group’s (SHG) £40 million redevelopment of Market Estate being carried out in Islington by Higgins Construction PLC on Tuesday 13 March. Professor Power is a resident of the London borough who took part in the BBC Radio 4 two-part programme "Knocking Down the Past," broadcast last year that featured the Market Estate. Exactly 359 new homes are being developed in total on the site of the 45-year-old Market Estate for both affordable shared-ownership and rent. The housing is designed by HTA Architects to i

Islington Tribune - News: Boris joins Emily in bid to save park

Islington Tribune - News: Boris joins Emily in bid to save park : "Islington Tribune - by MARK BLUNDEN Published: 15 June 2007 Boris joins Emily in bid to save park TORY MP Boris Johnson – who lives in Holloway – has signed an Early Day Labour motion in the Commons deploring the selling off of Barnard Park in Barnsbury for housing. The motion, which was tabled by Islington South and Finsbury MP Emily Thornberry, is also being strongly supported by Islington North MP Jeremy Corbyn, Hampstead MP Glenda Jackson, Holborn MP Frank Dobson and former Labour leadership challenger John McDonnell MP. The motion “deplores” the actions of Islington’s Liberal Democrat council in “selling off areas of Barnard Park to be built over”. It also “urges” the council and others to respond to local people’s priorities by defending and improving London’s parks “rather than abandoning them to property developers”."

idleness can be a form of extreme, long-distance bad luck

Queen of spleen: The acid tongue of Julie Burchill - Independent Online Edition > Media Much has been made of David Beckham's alleged dimness over the years - we don't expect our intellectuals to be great footballers, but for some reason we expect our great footballers to be intellectuals. But when it comes to having one's life "sorted", as the young folk say, he is in a class of his own [The Beckhams] are a pair of beautiful social barometers, lithe litmus tests who highlight the sad failings and desires of their critics. Between them, they have inadvertently managed to reveal more about the plagues of sexism, snobbishness and plain old-fashioned envy that disfigure Blair's Britain than Germaine Greer, Dennis Skinner and Snow White's wicked stepmother put together. I believe that those who hate the Beckhams do so because they so very obviously made it all by themselves. We pay lip-service to meritocracy, but its rare reality disturbs us, makes us

13000 hits!

13000 hits! Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Friends of Caledonian Park

New World


Into the Woods


Diagram of the Metropolitan Cattle Market, Islington. Redrawn from Standford's Map of London and Its Suburbs 1862-1871

Diagram of the Metropolitan Cattle Market, Islington. Redrawn from Standford's Map of London and Its Suburbs 1862-1871 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark


www. flick r .com This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from caledonianpark tagged with Cally . Make your own badge here .

Cally Park

Cally Park www. flick r .com More of caledonianpark's photos tagged with Caledonian

2007 Drovers Way

2007 May 948 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

Market Estate June 2007

collage1 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark Inside and Out

Market Estate June 2007

collage Originally uploaded by caledonianpark New and Old

Butterfly in Caledonian Park

Butterfly in Caledonian Park Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

New Stuff


metro news paper article

Emailing: DKMetro Originally uploaded by caledonianpark metro news paper article "metronewspaperarticle", "11june2007", metro, newspaper, article, media, london, islington, "caledonianpark", friends, caledonian, caledonianpark, cally, callypark,

METRO newspaper article

2007 London - A Caledonian Park User

2007 London 06-06-2007 08-38-30 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark A Caledonian Park User

2007 London 05-06-2007 Football

2007 London 05-06-2007 13-40-07 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

2007 London 06-06-2007 08-36-28

2007 London 06-06-2007 08-36-28 Originally uploaded by caledonianpark

night night


Busy day


New Week


new roads